소통의 창 > 온라인 상담 +
온라인 상담
  • Thank you for your request
  • 2019-03-09 hit.2,491

Dear Stella

Thank you very much for your appointment!
I also sent email about that.
What time would you like to visit our clinic?
Available times on 23 MAR are 10:00AM, 12:30PM, 2:00PM.
Please choose the time and let me know by email or homepage.
My clinic email address is
Have a good day!

Best wishes

Dr. Kim 



I have visited the clinic once in Sep 2017. I would like to make an appointment on 23 March for treatment for dark spots, discolouration and dull skin. Kindly contact me on my mobile phone or my email address stella.yufei@gmail.com for confirmation of appointment. Thank you. 



[ Stella 님의 글 ]



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